Sunday, March 4, 2012


Oh, I'm just not the type of person who likes to read long-winded prose! There's nothing actually wrong with this book, but I found myself so distracted when reading it, often having to read the same page two or three times, before I actually digested it. The day-to-day life of the rich in Regent England is just not fast paced enough for me. Yes, there were amusing conversations, yes, there was wit, people were misunderstood in their actions and words, to add some interest, but ultimately it was a run-of-the-mill story of people who have high tea, dinner parties, balls and picnics. People die, people get married, the two main characters are aloof towards each other and yet end up as soulmates - you know the usual Austen story!

The story was not riveting, but I was pleased that after all the dithering around,
everyone lived happily ever after.

My rating **


  1. I agree with your comments about literary prose, but of all the classics Emma and Jane Eyre are my favourites

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. Jane Eyre is one of my all-time favourites too. xx

  3. Ha! Ha! Here's where you and I differ. I LOVE long-winded prose!..Of course, that's when it's ME doing the prose-ing!! LOL I 'do' love Jane Austen though. But I've only read Pride and Prejudice...which I LOVED (except for the way it ended). I've seen the movies based on her books tons of times!!

  4. I love Jane Austen, chick lit of her day and they were just long winded in that era I think. :)

  5. I will admit that I have never been surprised by an Austen novel, but I still love them. I also love all the movie adaptations that speed the story along;)

  6. Oh, sorry you were disappointed. Those older authors tend to go on and on sometimes, don't they?!

  7. You do have to be in the right sort of mood for an Austen novel. I've loved them and hated them at different times in my life.

  8. I was never able to finish this one. Congrats on getting it finished!

    I tagged you with the Liebster Award on my blog. The post is:

  9. So honest! Good for you. I wasted lots of hours attempting to read War and Peace. I finally gave up. It just wasn't my kind of read.

  10. I think one really has to be in the mood for this sort of prose!

  11. i am not commenting of Emma..but i loved the movie.. haven't really read the book right through... here asked which book i would rate 5/5...i loved them all for all the time lines were so different ...but the one with the biggest impact on me was the one i am sending you..."Cold in the Earth" Melissa Jones emotional roller coaster of is on its way this week...Love ya XXXX

  12. I think it takes some doing to get through a long winded classic, especially if you don't find it interesting :)
